Scholarships available for University of Zurich Summer Schools 2019

International Summer Schools, which take place 30 June - 19 July 2019. Each program offers 6 ECTS and is open to Bachelor and Master students from all subject areas.

 Programs on offer include:

*How Switzerland got rich*
This Summer School looks at the development of Switzerland into one of the richest and most globalized countries in the world. Students will be introduced to the state of research and scholarly debate on how Switzerland got rich. Participants will evaluate this topic from a sociological, historical, economical, and political point of view.

*Intercultural Competence ? Drawing on the Swiss Experience*
Intercultural communicative competence has become an increasingly important skill and a valuable asset in today´s world. In this Summer School, participants will work towards a refined understanding of the complex set of abilities needed to interact appropriately and successfully with others who are linguistically and culturally different from themselves.

*Finance for the Future: Sustainable Finance and FinTech*
This Summer School will focus on the past, present and future development of the Swiss financial system and wealth management in Switzerland. Students will enhance their knowledge in macroeconomics and finance. Furthermore, they will learn about the most recent and promising trends in FinTech and Sustainable Finance, and will apply their gained knowledge in a portfolio management game.

Application is now open and will close on the 23 April 2019:

Scholarships available for University of Zurich Summer Schools 2019

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